Monday, April 7, 2008

Mein Name Ist Kartoffel

This is a billboardposter for a film called "Mein Name ist Kartoffel" (My name is potato).

The assignment was to empathize with a animal,
to try to feel like a specific animal.
I choosed the potato beetle
(aka ten-striped spearman alias colorado beetle).
I thought that this bug must be
depressed about his name and his eating habits.
Because maybe he never ate a potato,
although his name is potato beetle.

So i created a story about one of these bugs,
who has a identity crisis.
Just because of the "potato" in his name.
He is going to get insane and manic
by trying to eat a potato.
In the end of the film he died in a tunnel, which he digged to get to potato.

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