Tuesday, April 15, 2008

When i was ten

Finally, ultimately, last but not least one assignment for Ernst (Sculpture):
What happened if you were ten?
Choose one medium.
Do whatever you like!

When I was ten I got a electric shock.
At first I destroyed the plug, but stupidly I put it just in the electric socket!
I choosed the medium "video"
so here's my film, don't be bored!!

I'm sorry for the bad quality

By the way, the great music is from Cluster, yes, this Krautrock-Geniuses

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Bear Howls II

Here's the screen play for the stage play!
Incidentally you can't hear human voices in the background.
Not yet!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Bear Howls

My stage play for a assignment,
which is created by many steps:
1. Choose one line of chzech nursery rhyme
2. Draw a colour study to this rhyme
3. Write a stage play by using your nursery rhyme:
Destroy and build up new
4. Build a stage by using your color study

My poem was about a bear in pants, who sat on a tree stump.
He tried to cut up his pants, the stump wobbled, the bear howls!

So here 's my story:
The bear comes back to the forest. He takes of his clothes.
He sits on the log. One tree speaks to him in a language you cant understand
The bear answers him, in a mix of languages.
You can understand that he is saying that
is hard to be a human, and he
don't want it anymore.
He want to live by his instincts.
Its too hard to be a human. Too much responsibilities.
You only understand: "Tried to be a who , tried to be a man."

Monday, April 7, 2008

Mein Name Ist Kartoffel

This is a billboardposter for a film called "Mein Name ist Kartoffel" (My name is potato).

The assignment was to empathize with a animal,
to try to feel like a specific animal.
I choosed the potato beetle
(aka ten-striped spearman alias colorado beetle).
I thought that this bug must be
depressed about his name and his eating habits.
Because maybe he never ate a potato,
although his name is potato beetle.

So i created a story about one of these bugs,
who has a identity crisis.
Just because of the "potato" in his name.
He is going to get insane and manic
by trying to eat a potato.
In the end of the film he died in a tunnel, which he digged to get to potato.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Collage II

What you could do, if you can't sleep?
do another collage...

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Silence II

More examples for the assignment: "Silence"
This time some analogue photos.
I just scanned the dias, thats why they got no (good) quality.

Friday, April 4, 2008

From Log To Blog I

My logbook, some kind of a diary,
but i only draw
i can't write
sometimes i just describe by drawing
other times i just draw a scene which happened that day.

My input for today,
art history lesson, persons in front of me.
Danielle, Marianne & Lena