Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Easter a posteriori

In this time one is sent up without Internet!
But i want to give you my easter-posting subsequently.

Easter seems to be the little stubborn brother of christmas,
who is too cool for presents and all that "stupid childish stuff".
But he needs a few little present, he wishes in secrecy , so that he would be complacent.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Some photo's for the assignment "Silence"

Many special thanks to Ronja!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Stultification Of The Television

Marc's assignment for the "Wall Of Statements"
A project, which is also to be found in other cities, where you can proclaim a statement on a poster and put it on this wall.
Here's my criticism of stupid television.
The television stultifies the people?
At first: Don't let the television itself stultify!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Ideas for "Silence"

Today I just tried to work out some ideas for a assignment with photos from the internet, edited with photoshop.
These are ideas for the topic: "silence"
I like the first one, i want to create a photo which looks exactly the same.
The other pictures are just always two ideas i want to combine with each other.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Räum Deinen Kopf auf - Clear up your Head

Ladies and Gentlemen,
it's a pleasure for me to present to you:
My first posting in english!

I want to begin with a tipp.
If you can't fall asleep, create a collage

This is my one based on a earwig that I had.

Räum Deinen Kopf auf
Mach ihn auf, pack alles aus
Schmeiß weg, was Du nicht brauchst
Räum Deinen Kopf auf

Clear up your Head

Open him, pack everything out
Throw away what you do not need
Clear up your Head

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Mein erstes Posting nach .... viel zu langer Zeit.
Es ist nicht so, das ich nichts zu zeigen gehabt hätte,
aber selbst ich weiß nicht, warum ich nichts veröffentlicht habe.
Obwohl, ich wäre vielleicht die letzte Person die den Grund dafür kennen würde.

Vor allem,
weil ich der Einzige bin, der sich diesen Blog anschaut.

Ich nehme mir vor, zum Einen mehr zu posten, zum Anderen diesen Blog publik zu machen.
Zum noch ganz anderen alles bilingual zu halten.
Multilingual vielleicht sogar, oder omnilingual!!

Letzte Woche: Kopenhagenexkursion-Hardcoremuseumsmarathon-Preisverhältnissärgernisse
Auftrag: Eine Reportage aus der Sicht eines bestimmten Gegenstandes, Person, Ortes, Ding